The Way Forward

A Gentle Witness

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: June 07, 2020

A Gentle Witness

Reaching back to last week's message, Greg reminded us of the metaphor of the bicycle. Keep moving if you want to stay balanced.  Share with your group what has kept you moving and balanced this week?

Jesus’ last words to us were instructions to go and make disciples and to be His witnesses.
These two words- “Disciple” and “Witness” How do you see them relate to each other? [Side note: the word “witness” traces back from the Greek word for martyr.]

Read the quote from John Seel.
    Discuss in your group any ways you’ve seen “the lyrics not match the music” when it comes to Christianity. How has our behavior matched or not matched our words?
If we truly are the people of God-the Body of Christ-with a mission to not just tell the world but show the world who He is- how do we do that?
Read 1 Peter 3:15-16 and discuss in light of this question. Spend some time digging into the word "gentleness."  [Another word used: "meekness" which was used in reference to war horses- exhibiting a "controlled strength."]

WDJD-What did Jesus do?. As witnesses of Jesus, we take our cues from Him.

  • Who did He hang out with?
  • How did He show us gentleness. . . controlled strength? Come up with examples.
  • How did He show us humility?

How did Jesus stand for truth in ways that continued to draw people to Him?

We are called to hate what is evil and cling to what is good which means:

  • We are called to stand – against evils of racism.
  • We are called to stand— for all those made in the image of Him.

“We can hold 2 truths in our minds at the same time.” 

  • Do you know who God says you are? Oftentimes we know the "right answer" but don't always live it out.  How can you live out who God says you are?
  • How will this change how you pray this week?

"We need to do a much better job of matching our music to our lyrics, to allow the beauty of the gospel to be evident in how we talk to others, how we see ourselves, and how we present our convictions."
John Seel

Read 1 Peter 3:15-16

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

Reflect on WDJD

What did Jesus do? Who did He hang out with? How did He show us gentleness...controlled strength, humility?


Spend time in your group in prayer. Come up with a list of people in your life, your community and pray for them. Pray for opportunities to be Agents of Hope this week. Go to The Crossing Website for ideas.