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Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: January 03, 2021

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2020 is finally over, hello 2021. Take a few minutes as a group and share high’s and/or lows. (Leader- listen sensitively for each group member’s depth of loss and allow for the appropriate responses from the group.)

After sharing, based on these responses, pray – ask God to speak to each person in the exact way they need to hear from Him.
Have someone read John 16:33 and Isaiah 43:18-19.
No matter what has happened in 2020, and whatever will happen in 2021, how can these verses offer real hope?
Read Scripture from Luke 7:10, The story of the Centurion and his servant. 
As a group, discuss your observations about this passage?
  • Out of the many observations offered, dial-in on and discuss the concepts of authority and faith as it played out in the life of the centurion.
  • If indeed we believe that “Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever,” how does this story apply to our lives now? 
Refresh the group on the Pedestal image that Pastor Tim used. Idols are not just carved statues of false gods. See quote from Tim Keller. 
What are some examples of idols today?
And if you are comfortable- what are some examples of idols that have been on your personal pedestal?
Any that stood out from the past year? Security? Relationships? Finances?
Pastor Tim suggests that there is “noise in our lives” that prevent us from hearing God’s voice. The way to knock down the counterfeit idols, the way to eliminate the noise is by creating margin in our lives in order to seek Him.
Discuss the illustration used in the message- the droning sound and the sudden elimination of the sound. How did you feel when it stopped? 
As a group- discuss what gets in the way of creating that margin in your life. What can you personally do to eliminate that noise?
Pastor Tim told us, “We need, every once in a while, like maybe once each day, maybe one day out of the week... whatever it is, we need to create rhythms in our lives where we choose to seek Him. Where we choose to be still, to open our Bibles, to listen to a different voice, to pray, to rest... what we need is to remove the noise.” 

Discussion and study are not truly helpful unless it results in action. After discussion and brainstorming, pray for each other, asking the Holy Spirit to help make these changes in our lives in the coming year.

“We think that idols are bad things, but that is almost never the case. The greater the good, the more likely we are to expect that it can satisfy our deepest needs and hopes. Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the very best things in life.”
Tim Keller


John 16:33 Isaiah 43:18-19 Luke 7:1-10 Phil 3:7-8 Ps 46:10


Reflect on the potential idols that creep into our lives, into your own life. How could creating some margin in your life address the idols on your pedestal?


What will you do with that margin? Consider The Crossing 3 E’s Explore, Experience and Express. Each of these 3 areas offer ideas of what we can do with our margin. As a group, brainstorm some ideas.