The Story of God, the People He Loves, and the World He Never Gave Up On


Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: April 03, 2022


"The a prime lens through which we see the biblical mission of God."
Christopher J.H. Wright


Exodus 2:23-25, 3:1-20, 15, I Corinthians 5:7, John 1:29


1. Are you more of a "scenic route" person or a "get there fastest" one? 2. Tim shared that, "God is not interested in the shortest distance between two points." What do you think of that? 3. In light of Exodus 3 and Moses' reticence to respond to God's calling, when was the last time you felt afraid to step into something you felt drawn to? 4. Lamar Stockton shared about how we are all connected across the globe in the Kingdom. He said that as he prayed for the breaking of cycles of poverty in communities he found himself asking God to break cycles in his own life. Where do you need God to help break down a cycle, or redirect you, or encourage you in another direction?


1. Learn about Help One Now at 2. Pray for Zimbabwe. If you joined us in the challenge this past week, what practice shaped you the most?