Output Workflow/Activity Attributes using Lava
This is a quick way to output a formatted list of all the attributes of a workflow or an activity (e.g. to quickly output the answers from a form to a memo field on an entity or in an email or in a PDF)
{%- for attribute in Workflow.AttributeValues -%}
<dt>{{ attribute.AttributeAbbreviatedName }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute.ValueFormatted }}</dd>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for attribute in Activity.AttributeValues -%}
<dt>{{ attribute.AttributeAbbreviatedName }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute.ValueFormatted }}</dd>
{%- endfor -%}
To limit the output to a subset of attributes - add an underscore (_) to the front of the AttributeKey...
{%- for attribute in Workflow.AttributeValues -%}
{%- assign keyPrefix = attribute.AttributeKey | Slice:0,1 -%}
{%- if namePrefix == '_' -%}
<dt>{{ attribute.AttributeAbbreviatedName }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute.ValueFormatted }}</dd>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
Delimited Lists with Sets and Items
These are my standard delimiters when I'm creating a list in a workflow for loop processing. The set delimiter separates what gets passes as input into each loop. The item delimiter is used to pass multiple 'things' in that input (e.g. a person GUID, an action, a message, etc)
{%- assign setDelimiter = '^|^' -%}
{%- assign itemDelimiter = '_^_' -%}
SQL - Joining to Person via Person Alias
SELECT stuff
FROM [SomeTable] st
INNER JOIN [PersonAlias] pa
ON pa.[Id] = st.[PersonAliasId]
INNER JOIN [Person] p
ON p.[Id] = pa.[PersonId]
SQL - Joining to Attribute Value
This shows an example of joining GroupMember table to the Attribute Value table to get a couple group member attributes - 1 required and 1 optional. Replace the 9999's for Ids with the actual Ids of your attributes.
, @RequiredAttrId INT
, @OptionalAttrId INT;
SET @GroupId = 9999;
SET @RequiredAttrId = 9999;
SET @OptionalAttrId = 9999;
SELECT stuff
FROM [GroupMember] gm
INNER JOIN [AttributeValue] requiredAV
ON requiredAV.[AttributeId] = @RequiredAttrId
AND requiredAV.[EntityId] = gm.[Id]
AND requiredAV.[Value] = 'Some Value'
LEFT JOIN [AttributeValue] optionalAV
ON optionalAV.[AttributeId] = @OptionalAttrId
AND optionalAV.[EntityId] = gm.[Id]
WHERE gm.[GroupId] = @GroupId