Message: Asking Big

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: April 25, 2021 Plain Print Version

Group leaders-spend some time checking in with your group on how they’re navigating recent events.

Pastor Greg opened the weekend message with a description of Western Civilization from a prominent publication. Words like “the calamity of our time,” “plagues,” “corruption,” lack of ‘vision or hope,” How did you react when you discovered it was written in 1493? How does it shape your perspective today?

  • From these dark ages sprang a renaissance- a rebirth. Open in prayer asking God to show us how He is always working – and how He can and will birth something new in our lives as well. Father, give us the willingness and the courage to take steps of faith towards You, no matter what.
  • Review of the beginning of Nehemiah- for those who missed last week and a refresher for everyone else: 
    • Ask someone to summarize Chap. 1
  • Read Chapter 2 (if it seems lengthy, divide up verses between 2-3 readers)
    • What is Nehemiah asking of the king? Unpack the significance of each one.
    • How do you imagine this affects the king? (keep in mind Nehemiah is serving someone with a totally different worldview)
    • Why do you think the king said yes?
    • How do you see Nehemiah now- from being overcome by grief in chapter 1 to Nehemiah in Chapter 2?
      • What's changed and why?

Take a minute to skim Chapter 3. That list of people who worked on the wall with Nehemiah is daunting. But what does it say to you about the work of God?
And what does it say about the work of God in your personal life?

Nehemiah prays, plans, he risks, he surveys, he even rests, he picks his time to share his heart before tackling the task to rebuild the wall.
What are some things we can learn from how Nehemiah approached the mess he saw? How can you and I apply these things to our lives? (It's time to be specific.)

Close in prayer-

"The spirit of God, working through the people of God, who take in the Word of God can still accomplish the mission of God"
Greg Holder


Nehemiah 1 and 2


What do you see that is a mess around you? What needs to be built or re-built? In light of this- what does "Jehovah Jireh" mean to you right now?


Share a "mess" or a "challenge" with the group. Pray for each other. Pick one person to follow up with this week and encourage each other as you "build" into your life.