Message: Baptism 2024

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: June 23, 2024 Plain Print Version


John 3:1-3

John 3:16 


  • Did any of the baptism stories from the past few weeks stick out to you? How so? 
  • When the teacher asked which one word best describes what life with Jesus is like for you, what was your response? 
  • If you've been baptized, would you be willing to share the story of when and how you made that decision? 


  • Read John 3:1-3 together. What thoughts or questions come up when you think about this concept of being "born again"?
    • Where do you go with your questions about scripture?
    • Share as a group some resources that are helpful to you. 
  • Make a plan to attend baptism together as a group!