KidsCrossing loves talking about Jesus and how He fits into God’s Big Story of Love.

This can spark follow-up questions from kids, which is always good news! Below we've provided some resources which we find helpful.

But remember, YOU are a child’s most important resource.
Here are some practical ways to embrace and enjoy the journey.

  • Pray: For God to lead, soften hearts and provide opportunities for discovery.
  • Share: Weave age-appropriate aspects of your faith journey into everyday conversation.
  • Model: Show God’s grace and love by staying patient and tender with your child – and yourself!
  • Celebrate: Make a big deal every time a child takes a step closer to Jesus.

YOU are not alone.

We enjoy partnering with all families - especially when it comes to diving into specifics around salvation and baptism. If you have questions and/or would like someone to walk with you on this journey, let us know.

What is God’s Big Story of Love?

God’s Big Story of Love connects the dots on why Jesus had to come to earth and what His death and resurrection means to you and me.

At this point in the story, we live in a broken world. We all sin (judge, lie, steal, self-soothe, take revenge, gossip, etc.), which keeps us separated from God.

BUT God sent Jesus as a sacrifice for us all. If we choose salvation – to trust that Jesus’s death and resurrection holds the power to save us from our sin – then we get to be in the presence of God and experience true love and peace.

Bible References: Genesis 1-3, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 5:8


What is salvation?

Salvation can’t be earned. It is a gift.

Unlike other milestones, this spiritual step doesn’t require a child to prove their worthiness. Nor is this something that God forces us to do by a specific time.

God’s grace does the heavy lifting. All it takes from us is intention and a willing heart.

Bible references: Ephesians 2:8-9, Luke 23:32-43, John 14:6.


How do you know if they’re ready?

Salvation is a gift available to all, even children.

The Bible doesn‘t define “readiness“ by one‘s age. It‘s more about understanding, so always welcome a child’s questions with tenderness.

Ideally, children who are “ready” would be able to answer these questions in their own words:

  • What is sin?
  • What are the effects of sin?
  • Do you (the child) sin?
  • Who is Jesus and why did He die?
  • Do you want Jesus to save you from your sins so you can have a relationship with God?

Not ready? No problem. God is patient and kind. The Bible is full of people who waited.

Bible references: John 3:16, Matthew 19:13-14


Is there a salvation prayer?

The prayer of salvation is as easy as ABC.

Bible reference: Romans 10:9


What is baptism?

The Bible says believe and be baptized.

Children who have made the choice to trust Jesus as their Savior and have completed at least 3rd grade are encouraged to participate in our annual Baptism gathering.

Learn more at

Bible reference: Matthew 28:19


What’s next – after salvation and baptism?

Jesus teaches us how to lean on him and love others.

Salvation frees us from the penalty of sin, but we still live in a broken world which means we will still be tempted daily to do what we think is best instead of following what God says is best.

Jesus knows this and still loves us – freely offering forgiveness and grace to all who ask. Choosing to spend time with Him will make us people of love, too.

Bible references: Colossians 3:1-7, John 15:1-5, Ephesians 4:21-32