Group Leaders-check in with the group on how their week went. Make note of prayer requests and pray at either the beginning or the end of group time as you sense appropriate.
Invite someone to read Psalm 23. (FYI- when you see the word LORD in Scripture, this is different from lord or Lord --it specifically refers to the Sacred Name of God. So sacred in fact that the Jews did not pronounce it. Scribes later inserted vowels giving us the names Yahweh and Jehovah. We often see the name Adonai in its place in our translations.) Listen to Psalm 23 with this knowledge.
- How does the psalmist liken God to a shepherd?
- From Pastor Greg's message, how were people's names regarded in ancient times? Are you familiar with any other names that refer to or describe God?
Before reading the passage in Acts, note that this Old Testament word LORD, connected to the great I AM, is used by New Testament writers for Jesus. It declares Jesus' deity. (We see Thomas saying, -My Lord and my God. Peter in the Pentecost sermons declares Jesus as both Lord and Messiah. Peter tells a Roman soldier later in Acts that Jesus is Lord of All. By the time we get to Revelation 17:14, He is the Lord of lords.)
Read Acts 3:1-21 aloud. Allow the group to point out things that jump out to them in this passage.
- Pastor Greg pointed out that Peter and John were heading to the temple courts together. He reminded us of the importance that "Nobody goes alone."
- Discuss how do you see this play out (or not play out) in your life right now?
- This lame man had been begging at the temple steps for most of his life. What was different about this day for this man? For Peter and John?
- Discuss the words Peter uses, "In the name of Jesus" - what would this have meant to the people of ancient times?
- What weight does "in the name of" carry today?
Read Luke 9:46 and Luke 22:24. How have things changed with Peter since then?
Pride is our greatest enemy. Pastor Greg borrows a phrase from some of the early church fathers: "Pride is Pregnant with sin" Given enough time it gives birth to more destructiveness.
- What are some things that pride can lead to?
- Peter preaches a convicting sermon to his Jewish brothers and sisters and provides them a response to their sin- which is the same today as it was centuries ago. What is it?
- Spend some time discussing that response.
Group leaders-be mindful of where your members are spiritually especially those who still have questions regarding Jesus.
For those who choose to follow Jesus, what does it look like to live in the power and authority of the name of Jesus today? (leaders- this may start out as general observations but try to steer the discussion towards more personal and practical.)
If it is appropriate for your group, you might offer to share communion together as a way to close your group. (Gentle Reminder, since we don't always know who in our midst is in Recovery, it's best to use a grape juice)
"It may be a very bad thing that I needed God to die for me, but it is a wonderful thing that God thinks I’m worth dying for."
Lewis Smedes
If you haven't already, consider starting a group text thread- to share prayer requests throughout the week or just check in on each other.