Read: Acts 14:8-18, Galatians 6:17, 2 Corinthians 5:13-15, 11:16-33
Reflect: 1. Okay, what does "rural" mean to you? Tell a story, or describe what comes to mind for you.
2. Do you struggle with the concept of miracles? Talk about it.
3. We looked at the coin with "God is Sovereign/We Pray" on one side and "God is Sovereign/God Intervenes" on the other. Is that how you think of prayer?
4. What kinds of folks do you idolize? What is it about them?
5. Who was the one person that came to mind when we were challenged to pray for and love one person intentionally over the coming months?
Do: Sign up for Explorations, which starts the week of March 27th. It's the perfect place to ask big questions and discuss them in a group.
Invite someone to join us for Palm Sunday and Easter.
"If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us..."