Read: Nehemiah 8:10, John 3:29, 15, Philippians 2
1. What is something you are looking forward to, or something that happened recently you were looking forward to?
2. Do you tend to think of joy and happiness as the same thing? Did the distinction that Buechner made make sense - that we can take some credit for happiness, but that joy is not man-made?
3. What stuck out to you in the video of the Oklahoma Softball Players? Have you had a time in life when joy transcended your circumstances? What happened?
4. How can you remain connected to Jesus as the Vine? Read John 15 aloud and meditate on it.
5. Be grateful, be humble, forget yourself on purpose, and do not grumble or argue. Which of these steps can help you most this week?
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Want to learn more about the church? Our next Vision Dinner is coming up on July 19th! Register here for a wonderful night of conversation and dinner on us!
"Joy is the serious business of heaven."
C.S. Lewis