1. What do you know about Palm Sunday? What questions do you have about it?
2. What have you done or what are you planning to do to prepare your heart and household for Easter?
1. Read
Matthew 21:8-9 2. Jesus entered Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophesies about the Messiah. Why do you think the fulfillment of prophesies is important still to us today in our context?
3. How does it make you feel to think about Jesus riding into the Jerusalem, knowing he would be captured and killed?
1. When you think of a king or a leader, what qualities do you think of? How do those expectations line up with who Jesus is?
2. What do you think made it so difficult for some of the Jews to accept Jesus as the Savior they had been waiting for? What do you think makes it difficult for some of your friends to accept and follow Jesus now?
3. What might Jesus be nudging you to actively remember this Easter season? What or who might Jesus be nudging you to forgive and move on from?
1. Who do you plan to invite to Easter?
2. Extra: if you have a student in 6th-12th grades, we have a family devotional for you that starts today! thecrossing.church/Youth-Devos