- Deuteronomy 31: 8
- Exodus 14: 15
- Exodus: 14: 19 – 20
- Exodus 14: 14
- Matthew 28:20
- Colossians 1: 27
1. What stood out to you most from the message this week? Why?
2. Why do you think we question God’s presence in times of uncertainty?
3. Is there something in your “viewfinder” altering the way you see God working in your life?
4. Has there ever been a time where God reminded you that He was there in a specific season? If so, how did he do this?
5. What would you say to someone questioning where the Lord is in their situation?
1. Decide what “one more step” toward God looks like in your life and try it out this week.
2. Find a verse in scripture that you can point back to in times of trouble or uncertainty to remind you of God’s faithfulness. (You can even ask others around you to share theirs).