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Prayer Requests
Group Study:
Pray Like This
1: Our Father in Heaven
2: Hallowed be Your Name
3: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done
4: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
5: Forgive Us Our Debts
6: As We Forgive Our Debtors
7: Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
8: For Thine Is The Kingdom, Power, and Glory Forever, Amen
Study Resources
Additional Resources
Additional Resources
How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People
Pete Greig
God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer
Pete Greig
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God
by Tim Keller
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer
by Tyler Staton
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
by Philip Yancey
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
by Ann Voskamp
The Art of Forgiving
by Lewis Smedes
Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again
by Lysa TerKeurst
Every Moment Holy, Vol. I: New Liturgies for Daily Life
by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Every Moment Holy, Vol. II: Death, Grief, & Hope
by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Every Moment Holy, Vol. III: The Work of the People
by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Canyon Road: A Book of Prayers
by Kari Kristina Reeves
Praying Through: Overcoming the Obstacles That Keep Us from God
by Jarrett Stevens
To Light Their Way: A Collection of Prayers and Liturgies for Parents
by Kayla Craig
Praying the Scriptures for Your Children: Discover How to Pray God's Purpose for Their Lives
by Jodie Berndt
Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children: Trusting God with the Ones You Love
by Jodie Berndt
5 Things to Pray for Your Kids
by Melissa Kruger
The Power of a Praying Parent
by Stormie Omartian
The Power of a Praying Wife
by Stormie Omartian
The Power of a Praying Husband
by Stormie Omartian
Daily Prayers for My Husband
by DaySpring
Daily Prayers for My Wife
by DaySpring
For Kids
Praying the Prayers of the Bible for Kids
(for ages 5-8)
by James Banks
Jesus Listens: 365 Prayers for Kids
(for ages 8-12)
by Sarah Young
How to Pray: A Guide for Young Explorers
(for ages 8-11)
by Pete Greig & Gemma Hunt
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools
by Tyler Staton
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
by Philip Yancey
Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks
by Ann Spangler
Pray Like This
by Katie Noble
Prayer Journal for Women: 52 Weeks to Write, Pray and Reflect on God's Word
by Lauren Ibach
The Five-Year Prayer Journal
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools
by Tyler Staton
Apple Podcasts
Bridgetown Audio Podcast
by Bridgetown Church
Apple Podcasts
24-7 Prayer
Lectio 365
*Available in The Crossing Bookstore
Session #5: Forgive Us Our Debts
20-25 minutes
Connect with your group about life in the past week, then discuss these questions.
What does forgiveness mean to you? What makes forgiveness difficult?
Reflecting on Action Steps from Last Week:
If your group decided to journal about gratitude, talk about your experience with your gratitude journals. What did you notice? What did you learn?
If you group decided to focus on the “give us this day our daily bread” line of the prayer, share a bit with your group. Did it change your perspective this week?
5-7 minutes
You will watch a short clip of the message from this series to set up your group discussion. The full version of the message is also available
to reference before or after your group meeting.
20-30 minutes
How did you sum up last weekend’s message in a sentence? Give time for each person to share and see how your takeaways were similar or different.
What lessons can you learn from children about receiving the love of God?
What steps can you take to depend on God and rest in His love this week?
Psalm 36:5-10
, alternating readers every few lines. What attributes of God can we identify in this passage? How can this passage bring you peace as you think about the topic of forgiveness?
1 John 1:8-9
. Describe a time when you experienced the power of forgiveness.
Isaiah 1:18
Colossians 1:21-22
. How does God’s forgiveness change the way you view your circumstances?
10-15 minutes
Ask for prayer requests and then close your time together with this prayer:
Good Father,
Thank You for Your love, faithfulness, and forgiveness. Help us slow down, listen, pray, worship, and come to You for forgiveness and new life.
Whether this is our first time trusting Jesus or another step in surrendering to Him, please guide each of us in exactly what we need. We thank You and come to You because, as it says in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Action Steps
5-10 minutes
Between now and next week, here are some suggestions for action steps.
Attend the Weekend Service:
If you could sum up the message in one sentence, what would it be? (Write this and any other takeaways in the Pray Like This notebook and bring it with you to group.)
If you and your group want to go deeper, here are some additional action steps. With your group, select one of these to commit to this week:
Brief Prayers to Try:
Kari Kristina Reeves offers up very brief yet holy and bold forgiveness prayers in her book,
Canyon Road: A Book of Prayer
. Take some quiet time to come before Jesus. Try one of these simple and powerful prayers this week:
“Uncover the things I hide.”
“Shine your light, God, in every dark place. I open myself fully to you, and to your power.”
“I don’t want to control everything anymore.”
“Forgive me for submitting to worry, forgive me for bowing to fear. Establish your dominion, Jesus, let your peace reign; replace fear with love”
“Forgive me for trusting my record instead of yours.”
Prayer Focus:
The Examen is an ancient prayer that helps you reflect on your day with God. Pete Greig in his book
How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People
suggests that you consider praying the Examen prayer in 4 parts. Here are some suggestions from him:
Replay: Replay your day in as much detail as possible.
Rejoice: What brought you joy today? Give thanks for those things. It could be a warm cup of tea, or an opportunity or conversation you had. If it is difficult to find joy, Pete suggests praying, “Where prayers” instead of “Why prayers.” For example, “Where were you, Lord, this difficult situation?” “Where are you now in our weariness and disappointment?” It is in those prayers that you can rejoice.
Repent: Pete says that “In the stillness of prayer, the Holy Spirit will often highlight occasions when you were selfish, lustful, deceitful, pompous, hurtful, or unkind…in the same way you are invited to pray, ‘Cleanse me.’”
Reboot: Pete reminds us, “As you replay your day in detail, rejoicing and repenting along the way, we turn our attention to the challenges of tomorrow, asking for God’s strength to live a little more for his glory.”
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