The world behind the text - reading Galatians 2 in a different light
Spend the first few minutes catching up with each other and how the week went. Then go around the room and answer the following questions:
How does someone know that you are happy?
How does someone know that you are angry?
What, if anything, do you know about Martin Luther?
What are some of the ways that you have tried to be "good enough" to make things right with God?
Tim mentioned that one of the primary themes in Galatians is this idea of unity within Christ. How have you been intentional about brokering this type of unity? (examples could be learning about it, or talking about it, or practicing it)
Diego told us a story about a shared experience that brought him closer to the people he was with. Share a story with the group about something you've experienced with others that brought you closer to them.
Action Steps
What is one step that you can take towards Jesus this week?
If you need help thinking of something, there are several things coming up in the next couples weeks that you can commit to attending. The Genius of One Course or Financial Foundations could be a next step, but visit our for more.